What is a Workflow?Filters
This workflow takes as input a SRA_manifest from SRA Run Selector and will generate one fastq file or fastq pair of file for each experiment (concatenated multiple runs if necessary). Output will be relabelled to match the column specified by the user.
Run baredSC in 1 dimension in logNorm for 1 to N gaussians and combine models.
Automated inference of stable isotope incorporation rates in proteins for functional metaproteomics
We assume the identifiers of the input list are like: sample_name_replicateID. The identifiers of the output list will be: sample_name
RepeatMasking Workflow
This workflow uses RepeatModeler and RepeatMasker for genome analysis.
RepeatModeler is a software package for identifying and modeling de novo families of transposable elements (TEs). At the heart of RepeatModeler are three de novo repeat search programs (RECON, RepeatScout and LtrHarvest/Ltr_retriever) which use complementary computational methods to identify repeat element boundaries and family relationships from sequence data.
RepeatMasker is a program that analyzes ...
Racon polish with long reads, x4
Downloads fastq files for sequencing run accessions provided in a text file using fasterq-dump. Creates one job per listed run accession.
This workflow takes as input SR BAM from ChIP-seq. It calls peaks on each replicate and intersect them. In parallel, each BAM is subsetted to smallest number of reads. Peaks are called using both subsets combined. Only peaks called using a combination of both subsets which have summits intersecting the intersection of both replicates will be kept.
This workflow takes as input a collection of paired fastqs. Remove adapters with cutadapt, map pairs with bowtie2. Keep MAPQ30 and concordant pairs. MACS2 for paired bam.
This workflow takes as input a collection of fastqs (single reads). Remove adapters with cutadapt, map with bowtie2. Keep MAPQ30. MACS2 for bam with fixed extension or model.