
What is a Workflow?
5 Workflows visible to you, out of a total of 5

The aim of this workflow is to handle the routine part of shotgun metagenomics data processing. The workflow is using the tools Kraken2 and Bracken for taxonomy classification and the KrakenTools to evaluate diversity metrics. This workflow was tested on Galaxy Australia. A How-to guide for the workflow can be found at:


The aim of this workflow is to handle the routine part of shotgun metagenomics data processing on Galaxy Australia.

The workflow is using the tools MetaPhlAn2 for taxonomy classification and HUMAnN2 for functional profiling of the metagenomes. The workflow is based on the Galaxy Training tutorial 'Analyses of metagenomics data - The global picture' (Saskia Hiltemann, Bérénice Batut) ...

Type: Galaxy

Creators: Valentine Murigneux, Mike Thang, Saskia Hiltemann, Bérénice Batut, The workflow is based on the Galaxy Training tutorial Analyses of metagenomics data. Thank you to the Galaxy Australia team, Igor Makunin and Mike Thang for help with the workflow

Submitter: Valentine Murigneux

DOI: 10.48546/workflowhub.workflow.624.1

No description specified

Type: Galaxy

Creators: None

Submitter: Mike Thang


MetaDEGalaxy: Galaxy workflow for differential abundance analysis of 16s metagenomic data

Type: Galaxy

Creators: None

Submitter: Mike Thang


This is a Galaxy workflow that uses to convert the16S BIOM file to table and figures. It is part of the metaDEGalaxy workflow MetaDEGalaxy: Galaxy workflow for differential abundance analysis of 16s metagenomic data.

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Mike Thang

Submitter: Mike Thang

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