What is a Workflow?Filters
Purge contigs marked as duplicates by purge_dups (could be haplotypic duplication or overlap duplication). This workflow is the 6th workflow of the VGP pipeline. It is meant to be run after one of the contigging steps (Workflow 3, 4, or 5)
Type: Nextflow
Creators: No author provided, Hadrien Gourlé, Daniel Straub, Sabrina Krakau
Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot
This workflow demonstrates the integration of FAIR principles into the workflow management ecosystem through provenance integration in Autosubmit, a workflow manager developed at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), and SUNSET (SUbseasoNal to decadal climate forecast post-processing and aSSEssmenT suite), an R-based verification workflow also developed at BSC.
Autosubmit supports the generation of data provenance information based on RO-Crate, facilitating the creation of machine-actionable ...
Laserfarm ( is a high-throughput workflow for generating geospatial data products of ecosystem structure using LiDAR point clouds from national or regional airborne laser scanning (ALS) surveys. The workflow example here shows the application of the Laserfarm workflow to the 7.95 km2 large Salisbury Plain in the United Kingdom (1.866189 W, 51.220814 N). The work has been performed in the context of the EU project MAMBO (Modern Approaches to the Monitoring ...
Type: Jupyter
Creators: W. Daniel Kissling, Wessel Mulder, Jinhu Wang, Yifang Shi
Submitter: W. Daniel Kissling
Laserfarm ( is a high-throughput workflow for generating geospatial data products of ecosystem structure using LiDAR point clouds from national or regional airborne laser scanning (ALS) surveys. The workflow example here shows the application of the Laserfarm workflow to the 54 km2 large Oostvaardersplassen in the Netherlands (5.418842 E, 52.456870 N). The work has been performed in the context of the EU project MAMBO (Modern Approaches to the Monitoring ...
Type: Jupyter
Creators: W. Daniel Kissling, Wessel Mulder, Jinhu Wang, Yifang Shi
Submitter: W. Daniel Kissling
Laserfarm ( is a high-throughput workflow for generating geospatial data products of ecosystem structure using LiDAR point clouds from national or regional airborne laser scanning (ALS) surveys. The workflow example here shows the application of the Laserfarm workflow to the 0.08 km2 large Monks Wood in the United Kingdom (10.478393 E, 56.289050 N). The work has been performed in the context of the EU project MAMBO (Modern Approaches to the Monitoring ...
Type: Jupyter
Creators: W. Daniel Kissling, Wessel Mulder, Jinhu Wang, Yifang Shi
Submitter: W. Daniel Kissling
Laserfarm ( is a high-throughput workflow for generating geospatial data products of ecosystem structure using LiDAR point clouds from national or regional airborne laser scanning (ALS) surveys. The workflow example here shows the application of the Laserfarm workflow to the 1.29 km2 large Mols Bjerge National Park in Denmark (10.478393 E, 56.289050 N). The work has been performed in the context of the EU project MAMBO (Modern Approaches to the Monitoring ...
Type: Jupyter
Creators: W. Daniel Kissling, Wessel Mulder, Jinhu Wang, Yifang Shi
Submitter: W. Daniel Kissling
Laserfarm ( is a high-throughput workflow for generating geospatial data products of ecosystem structure using LiDAR point clouds from national or regional airborne laser scanning (ALS) surveys. The workflow example here shows the application of the Laserfarm workflow to the 5.55 km2 large Knepp Estate in the United Kingdom (0.3758 W, 50.969859 N). The work has been performed in the context of the EU project MAMBO (Modern Approaches to the Monitoring ...
Type: Jupyter
Creators: W. Daniel Kissling, Wessel Mulder, Jinhu Wang, Yifang Shi
Submitter: W. Daniel Kissling