
What is a Workflow?
748 Workflows visible to you, out of a total of 809

Run baredSC in 1 dimension in logNorm for 1 to N gaussians and combine models.

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Lucille Delisle

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

Automated inference of stable isotope incorporation rates in proteins for functional metaproteomics

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Matthias Bernt

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot



HPPIDiscovery is a scientific workflow to augment, predict and perform an insilico curation of host-pathogen Protein-Protein Interactions (PPIs) using graph theory to build new candidate ppis and machine learning to predict and evaluate them by combining multiple PPI detection methods of proteins according to three categories: structural, based on primary aminoacid sequence and functional annotations.

HPPIDiscovery contains three main steps: (i) acquirement of pathogen and host proteins ...

Type: Snakemake

Creator: Yasmmin Martins

Submitter: Yasmmin Martins


This Galaxy workflow takes a list of tumor/normal sample pair variants in VCF format and

  1. annotates them using the ENSEMBL Variant Effect Predictor and custom annotation data
  2. turns the annotated VCF into a MAF file for import into cBioPortal
  3. generates human-readable variant- and gene-centric reports

The input VCF is expected to encode somatic status, somatic p-value and germline p-value of each variant in varscan somatic format, i.e., via SS, SPV and GPV INFO keys, respectively.

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Wolfgang Maier

Submitter: Wolfgang Maier

DOI: 10.48546/workflowhub.workflow.607.1


The workflow takes a trimmed HiFi reads collection, Forward/Reverse HiC reads, and the max coverage depth (calculated from WF1) to run Hifiasm in HiC phasing mode. It produces both Pri/Alt and Hap1/Hap2 assemblies, and runs all the QC analysis (gfastats, BUSCO, and Merqury). The default Hifiasm purge level is Light (l1).

Type: Galaxy

Creators: Diego De Panis, ERGA

Submitter: Diego De Panis

DOI: 10.48546/workflowhub.workflow.605.1


The ultimate-level complexity workflow is one among a collection of workflows designed to address tasks up to CTF estimation. In addition to the functionalities provided by layer 0 and 1 workflows, this workflow aims to enhance the quality of both acquisition images and processing.

Quality control protocols

Combination of methods

  • CTF consensus
  • New methods to compare ctf estimations
  • CTF xmipp criteria (richer parameters i.e. ice detection)


  • Control of ...

Type: Scipion

Creators: None

Submitter: Daniel Marchan


PAIRED-END workflow. Align reads on fasta reference/assembly using bwa mem, get a consensus, variants, mutation explanations.


  • For "bcftools call" consensus step, the --ploidy file is in "Données partagées" (Shared Data) and must be imported in your history to use the worflow by providing this file (tells bcftools to consider haploid variant calling).
  • SELECT THE MOST ADAPTED VADR MODEL for annotation (see vadr parameters).

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Fabrice Touzain

Submitter: Fabrice Touzain


SINGLE-END workflow. Align reads on fasta reference/assembly using bwa mem, get a consensus, variants, mutation explanations.


  • For "bcftools call" consensus step, the --ploidy file is in "Données partagées" (Shared Data) and must be imported in your history to use the worflow by providing this file (tells bcftools to consider haploid variant calling).
  • SELECT the mot ADAPTED VADR MODEL for annotation (see vadr parameters).

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Fabrice Touzain

Submitter: Fabrice Touzain

We assume the identifiers of the input list are like: sample_name_replicateID. The identifiers of the output list will be: sample_name

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Lucille Delisle

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

This repository contains the python code to reproduce the experiments in Dłotko, Gurnari "Euler Characteristic Curves and Profiles: a stable shape invariant for big data problems"

Type: Python

Creator: Davide Gurnari

Submitter: Davide Gurnari

DOI: 10.48546/workflowhub.workflow.576.1

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