
What is a Workflow?
748 Workflows visible to you, out of a total of 809

Purge Phased assembly of duplications and overlaps. Include purge steps for Primary and Alternate assemblies.

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Delphine Lariviere

Submitter: Cristóbal Gallardo


Performs Long Read assembly using PacBio data and Hifiasm. Part of VGP assembly pipeline. This workflow generate a phased assembly.

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Delphine Lariviere

Submitter: Cristóbal Gallardo


Create Meryl Database used for the estimation of assembly parameters and quality control with Merqury. Part of the VGP pipeline.

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Delphine Lariviere

Submitter: Cristóbal Gallardo

A version of V-pipe (analysis of next generation sequencing (NGS) data from viral pathogens) specifically adapted to analyze high-throughput sequencing data of SARS-CoV-2.

Type: Snakemake

Creators: Ivan Topolsky, Susana Posada Céspedes, Niko Beerenwinkel,

Submitter: Hervé Ménager


Portable eQTL analysis and statistical fine mapping workflow used by the eQTL Catalogue


eQTL-Catalogue/qtlmap is a bioinformatics analysis pipeline used for QTL Analysis.

The workflow takes phenotype count matrix (normalized and quality controlled) and genotype data as input, and finds associations between them with the help of sample metadata and phenotype metadata files (See Input formats and preparation for required input ...

Type: Nextflow

Creators: None

Submitter: Kaur Alasoo


Protein Ligand Complex MD Setup tutorial using BioExcel Building Blocks (biobb)

This workflow must be run in Please, click here to access.

Based on the official GROMACS tutorial.

This tutorial aims to illustrate the process of setting up a simulation system containing a protein in complex with a ligand, step by ...


Automatic Ligand parameterization tutorial using BioExcel Building Blocks (biobb)

This tutorial aims to illustrate the process of ligand parameterization for a small molecule, step by step, using the BioExcel Building Blocks library (biobb). The particular example used is the Sulfasalazine protein (3-letter code SAS), used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn's disease.

OpenBabel and ACPype packages are used to **add hydrogens, energetically ...


Automatic Ligand parameterization tutorial using BioExcel Building Blocks (biobb)

This tutorial aims to illustrate the process of ligand parameterization for a small molecule, step by step, using the BioExcel Building Blocks library (biobb). The particular example used is the Sulfasalazine protein (3-letter code SAS), used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn's disease.

OpenBabel and ACPype packages are used to **add hydrogens, energetically ...


Automatic Ligand parameterization tutorial using BioExcel Building Blocks (biobb)

This tutorial aims to illustrate the process of ligand parameterization for a small molecule, step by step, using the BioExcel Building Blocks library (biobb). The particular example used is the Sulfasalazine protein (3-letter code SAS), used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn's disease.

OpenBabel and ACPype packages are used to **add hydrogens, energetically ...


Automatic Ligand parameterization tutorial using BioExcel Building Blocks (biobb)

This tutorial aims to illustrate the process of ligand parameterization for a small molecule, step by step, using the BioExcel Building Blocks library (biobb). The particular example used is the Sulfasalazine protein (3-letter code SAS), used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn's disease.

OpenBabel and ACPype packages are used to **add hydrogens, energetically ...

Type: Common Workflow Language

Creators: Adam Hospital, Genís Bayarri

Submitter: Genís Bayarri

DOI: 10.48546/workflowhub.workflow.255.2

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