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Description: SSP-based RCP scenario with high radiative forcing by the end of century. Following approximately RCP8.5 global forcing pathway with SSP5 socioeconomic conditions. Concentration-driven. Rationale: the scenario represents the high end of plausible future pathways. SSP5 is the only SSP with emissions high enough to produce the 8.5 W/m2 level of forcing in 2100.
This workflow is answering to the following scientific question:
- Is it worth investing in artificial snowmaking equipment ...
Abstract CWL Automatically generated from the Galaxy workflow file: Workflow with Copernicus Essential Climate Variable - select and plot
CWL workflow for NMR spectra Peak Picking The workflow takes as input a series of 2D 1H 15N HSQC NMR spectra and uses nmrpipe tools to convert the spectra in nmrpipe format and performs an automatic peak picking. This test uses a protein MDM2 with different ligands and peptide and generates a peak list with 1H and 15N chemical shift values for each spectrum. The difference among these peak lists can be used to characterize the ligand binding site on the protein.
Alignment, assembly and annotation of RNQSEQ reads using TOPHAT (without filtering out host reads).
Alignment, assembly RNASEQ reads and annotation of generated transcripts.
Alignment, assembly and annotation of RNASEQ reads as well as annotation of generated transcripts.
Alignment, assembly and annotation of generated transcripts from RNASEQ reads.
Virus genome assembly with Unicycler and Spades, The 2 assemblers works in parallel. The graph visualization is made with Bandage. workflow git repository : Based on
Analysis of variation within individual COVID-19 samples using bowtie2, bwa, fastp, multiqc , picard ,samtools, snpEff Workflow, tools and data are available on This worklow was ported into CWL from a Galaxy Workflow ( migrated to CWL).