What is a Workflow?Filters
Author: AMBARISH KUMAR [email protected] & [email protected]
This is a proposed standard operating procedure for genomic variant detection using GATK4.
It is hoped to be effective and useful for getting SARS-CoV-2 genome variants.
It uses Illumina RNASEQ reads and genome sequence.
Author: AMBARISH KUMAR [email protected]; [email protected]
This is a proposed standard operating procedure for genomic variant detection using VARSCAN.
It is hoped to be effective and useful for getting SARS-CoV-2 genome variants.
It uses Illumina RNASEQ reads and genome sequence.
Author: AMBARISH KUMAR [email protected] & [email protected]
This is a proposed standard operating procedure for genomic variant detection using GATK4.
It is hoped to be effective and useful for getting SARS-CoV-2 genome variants.
It uses Illumina RNASEQ reads and genome sequence.
nf-core/vipr is a bioinformatics best-practice analysis pipeline for assembly and intrahost / low-frequency variant calling for viral samples. The pipeline is built using Nextflow, a workflow tool to run tasks across multiple compute infrastructures in a very portable manner. It comes with docker / singularity containers making installation trivial and results highly reproducible. Pipeline Steps
Step Main program/s
Trimming, combining of read-pairs per sample and QC Skewer, FastQC
Decontamination ...
Type: Nextflow
Creator: Andreas Wilm and October SESSIONS and Paola Florez DE SESSIONS and ZHU Yuan and Shuzhen SIM and CHU Wenhan Collins
Submitter: Laura Rodriguez-Navas
nfcore/viralrecon is a bioinformatics analysis pipeline used to perform assembly and intrahost/low-frequency variant calling for viral samples. The pipeline currently supports metagenomics and amplicon sequencing data derived from the Illumina sequencing platform. This pipeline is a re-implementation of the SARS_Cov2_consensus-nf and SARS_Cov2_assembly-nf pipelines initially developed by Sarai Varona and Sara Monzon from BU-ISCIII. Porting both of these pipelines to nf-core was an international ...
Type: Nextflow
Creator: Sarai Varona and Miguel Juliá and Sara Monzon and Alexander Peltzer and Alison Meynert and Edgar Garriga Nogales and Erik Garrison and Gisela Gabernet and Harshil Patel and Joao Curado and Jose Espinosa-Carrasco and Katrin Sameith and Marta Pozuelo and Maxime Garcia and Michael Heuer and Phil Ewels and Simon Heumos and Stephen Kelly and Thanh Le Viet and Isabel Cuesta
Submitter: Hervé Ménager
The workflow runs the RetroSynthesis algorithm to generate a collection of heterologous pathways in a host organism of choice, converts them to SBML files, performs analysis on the pathways to then rank the theoretical best performing ones.
Generate possible metabolic routes for the production of a target molecule in an organism of choice
This workflow converts the top-ranking predicted pathways from the "RetroSynthesis" and "Pathway Analysis" workflows to plasmids intended to be expressed in the specified organism
Given a set of pathways generated by RetroPath2.0, this workflow informs the user as to the theoretically best performing ones based on four criteria: FBA, thermodynamic feasibility, length of the pathway, and reaction rule score.