
What is a Workflow?
295 Workflows visible to you, out of a total of 318

RNA-RNA interactome analysis using ChiRA tools suite. The aligner used is CLAN.

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Pavankumar Videm

Submitter: Pavankumar Videm


RNA-RNA interactome analysis using ChiRA tools suite. The aligner used is BWA-MEM.

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Pavankumar Videm

Submitter: Pavankumar Videm


Abstract CWL Automatically generated from the Galaxy workflow file: CLM-FATES_ ALP1 simulation (5 years)

Type: Galaxy

Creators: None

Submitter: Anne Fouilloux

Metagenomics: taxa classification

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Milad Miladi

Submitter: Willem de Koning

Genome assembly: Unicycler-based WF for Klebsiella pneumoniae [Wick et al. Microbial genomics 2017]

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Milad Miladi

Submitter: Willem de Koning

Genome assembly: Flye-based WF for highly repetitive genomes [Schmid et al. NAR 2018]

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Milad Miladi

Submitter: Willem de Koning

Basic workflows inspired by the Nanopolish tutorials

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Milad Miladi

Submitter: Willem de Koning


Galaxy-E ( workflow to calculate species presence / absence, community metrics and compute generalized linear models to identify effects and significativity of these effects on biodiversity.


Description: SSP-based RCP scenario with high radiative forcing by the end of century. Following approximately RCP8.5 global forcing pathway with SSP5 socioeconomic conditions. Concentration-driven. Rationale: the scenario represents the high end of plausible future pathways. SSP5 is the only SSP with emissions high enough to produce the 8.5 W/m2 level of forcing in 2100.

This workflow is answering to the following scientific question:

  • Is it worth investing in artificial snowmaking equipment ...

Type: Jupyter

Creators: None

Submitter: Anne Fouilloux


Abstract CWL Automatically generated from the Galaxy workflow file: Workflow with Copernicus Essential Climate Variable - select and plot

Type: Galaxy

Creators: None

Submitter: Anne Fouilloux

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