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Cancer Invasion Workflow
Table of Contents
Framework for construction of phylogenetic networks on High Performance Computing (HPC) environment
Phylogeny refers to the evolutionary history and relationship between biological lineages related by common descent. Reticulate evolution refers to the origination of lineages through the complete or partial merging of ancestor lineages. Networks may be used to represent lineage independence events in non-treelike phylogenetic processes.
The methodology for reconstructing networks ...
Pangenome databases provide superior host removal and mycobacteria classification from clinical metagenomic data
Hall, M, Coin, L., Pangenome databases provide superior host removal and mycobacteria classification from clinical metagenomic data. bioRxiv 2023. doi: [10.1101/2023.09.18.558339][doi]
Benchmarking different ways of doing read (taxonomic) classification, with a focus on removal of contamination and classification of M. tuberculosis reads.
This repository contains the code and ...
This repository contains an easy-to-use pipeline for the assembly and analysis of bacterial genomes using ONT long-read or Illumina short-read technology. Read the complete documentation and instructions for bacpage and each of its functions here
Advances in sequencing technology during the COVID-19 pandemic has led to massive increases in the generation of sequencing data. Many bioinformatics tools ...
This repository contains an easy-to-use pipeline for the assembly and analysis of bacterial genomes using ONT long-read or Illumina short-read technology.
Advances in sequencing technology during the COVID-19 pandemic has led to massive increases in the generation of sequencing data. Many bioinformatics tools have been developed to analyze this data, but very few tools ...
ANNOTATO - Annotation workflow To Annotate Them Oll
Evaluation of Swin Transformer and knowledge transfer for denoising of super-resolution structured illumination microscopy data
In recent years, convolutional neural network (CNN)-based methods have shown remarkable performance in the denoising and reconstruction of super-resolved structured illumination microscopy (SR-SIM) data. Therefore, CNN-based architectures have been the main focus of existing studies. Recently, however, an alternative and highly competitive deep learning architecture, ...
A pipeline for mapping, calling, and annotation of SARS-CoV2 variants.
A workflow for mapping and consensus generation of SARS-CoV2 whole genome amplicon nanopore data implemented in the Nextflow framework. Reads are mapped to a reference genome using Minimap2 after trimming the amplicon primers with a fixed length at both ends of the amplicons using Cutadapt. The consensus is called using Pysam based on a majority read support threshold per position of the Minimap2 alignment and positions with less than 30x coverage are masked using ‘N’.