What is a Workflow?Filters
This is the official repository of the SARS-CoV-2 variant surveillance pipeline developed by Danish Technical University (DTU), Eotvos Lorand University (ELTE), EMBL-EBI, Erasmus Medical Center (EMC) under the Versatile Emerging infectious disease Observatory (VEO) project. The project consists of 20 European partners. It is funded by the European Commission.
The ...
Galaxy Workflow created on Galaxy-E european instance,, related to the Galaxy training tutorial "OBIS marine indicators" .
This workflow allows to compute and visualize marine biodiversity indicators from OBIS data.
Galaxy Workflow created on Galaxy-E european instance,, related to the Galaxy training tutorial "Champs blocs" .
This workflow allows to produce Visual Rollover Indicator and dissimilarity as diversity indices on boulder fields.
Galaxy Workflow created on Galaxy-E european instance,, to analyze crowdsourcing results of the SPIPOLL hoverflies GAPARS European project activity on MMOS server.
Galaxy Workflow created on Galaxy-E european instance,, related to the Galaxy training tutorial "Deep learning to predict animal behavior" .
This workflow allows to analyze animal behavior data through deep learning.
Galaxy Workflow created on Galaxy-E european instance,, related to the Galaxy training tutorial "Antarctic sea ecoregionalization" .
This workflow allows to analyze marine benthic biodiversity data to compute ecoregions regarding environmental data.
Galaxy Workflow created on Galaxy-E european instance,, related to the Galaxy training tutorial "Sentinel 2 biodiversity" .
This workflow allows to analyze remote sensing sentinel 2 satellites data to compute spectral indices such as the NDVI and visualizing biodiversity indicators
Galaxy Workflow created on Galaxy-E european instance,, related to the Galaxy training tutorial "Biodiversity data exploration"
This workflow allows to explore biodiversity data looking at homoscedasticity, normality or collinearity of presences-absence or abundance data and at comparing beta diversity taking into account space, time and species components ...
Galaxy Workflow created on Galaxy-E european instance,, related to the Galaxy training tutorial "Metabarcoding/eDNA through Obitools" .
This workflow allows to analyze DNA metabarcoding / eDNA data produced on Illumina sequencers using the OBITools.
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