
What is a Workflow?
269 Workflows visible to you, out of a total of 291


Other than cloning this repository, you need to have bash installed (which is most likely the case if you use Linux, *BSD or even MacOS). For the Python code, the arguably easiest and cleanest way is to set up a Python virtual environment and install the dependencies there:

$ python3 -m venv ./hcp-suite-venv # Setup the virtual environment 
$ source ./hcp-suite-venv/bin/activate # Activate the virtual environment 
$ pip install pandas pingouin networkx nilearn nibabel ray

Workflow (hybrid) metagenomic assembly and binning

  • Workflow Illumina Quality:
  • FastQC (control)
  • fastp (quality trimming)
  • kraken2 (taxonomy)
  • bbmap contamination filter
  • Workflow Longread Quality:
  • NanoPlot (control)
  • filtlong (quality trimming)
  • kraken2 (taxonomy)
  • minimap2 contamination filter
  • Kraken2 taxonomic classification of FASTQ reads
  • SPAdes/Flye (Assembly)
  • Pilon/Medaka/PyPolCA (Assembly polishing)
  • QUAST (Assembly ...

Type: Common Workflow Language

Creators: Bart Nijsse, Jasper Koehorst, Changlin Ke

Submitter: Bart Nijsse


gimp-image-annotator or GIÀ, a lightweight GIMP plug-in to alllow for computer vision-assisted image annotation using the powerful GIMP selection toolbox.


Follow the guide here: to find how to install GIMP plug-ins on your system, save the file in GIMP's plug-in folder.

In GIMP v2.x, the plug-in system relies on deprecated python2. On Windows, a version of python2 is included in ...

Type: Plug-in

Creator: Kieran Atkins

Submitter: Kieran Atkins

DOI: 10.48546/workflowhub.workflow.1229.1


Article abstract

Permeability is an important molecular property in drug discovery, as it co-determines pharmacokinetics whenever a drug crosses the phospholipid bilayer, e.g., into the cell, in the gastrointestinal tract or across the blood-brain barrier. Many methods for the determination of permeability have been developed, including cell line assays, cell-free model systems like PAMPA mimicking, e.g., gastrointestinal epithelia or the skin, as well as the Black lipid membrane (BLM) and ...


Creator: Kateřina Storchmannová

Submitter: Kateřina Storchmannová

No description specified

Type: Python

Creators: None

Submitter: Alberto Aguado

M6Allele Pipeline & M6Allele algorithm


We have developed an algorithm called M6Allele for identifying allele-specific m6A modifications. To facilitate its usage by researchers, we have also encapsulated our analysis process into a pipeline. You can learn more about the pipeline and the algorithm's usage from the following two modules:

M6Allele Pipeline


  • -g/--gtf : ...

Type: Docker

Creators: Yin Zhang, Lin Tang

Submitter: YIN ZHANG

DOI: 10.48546/workflowhub.workflow.1223.1


EnrichDO is a double weighted iterative model by integrating the DO graph topology on a global scale. It was based on the latest annotations of the human genome with DO terms, and double weighted the annotated protein-coding genes. On one hand, to reinforce the saliency of direct gene-DO annotations, different initial weights were assigned to directly annotated genes and indirectly annotated genes, respectively. On the other hand, to detect locally most significant node between ...

Type: R markdown

Creator: Liang Cheng

Submitter: Liang Cheng

DOI: 10.48546/workflowhub.workflow.1221.1


GALOP - Genome Assembly using Long reads Pipeline

This repository contains an exact copy of the standard Genoscope long reads assembly pipeline.

At the moment, this is not intended for users to download as it uses grid submission commands that will only work at Genoscope. As time goes on, we intend to make this pipeline available to a broader audience. However, genome assembly and polishing commands are accessible in the lib/ and lib/ files. -h 

cfDNA UniFlow is a unified, standardized, and ready-to-use workflow for processing whole genome sequencing (WGS) cfDNA samples from liquid biopsies. It includes essential steps for pre-processing raw cfDNA samples, quality control and reporting. Additionally, several optional utility functions like GC bias correction and estimation of copy number state are included. Finally, we provide specialized methods for extracting coverage derived signals and visualizations comparing cases and controls. ...


This is an aggregation of the work done in Seq4AMR consisting of the following workflows:


  • You will need to:
  • run the [RGI Database ...
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