What is a Workflow?Filters
extract 1 Id from SRA and assume it is PE as input to viralRNASpades.
- Deprecated -
See our updated hybrid assembly workflow:
And other workflows:
Workflow for sequencing with ONT Nanopore data, from basecalled reads to (meta)assembly and binning
- Workflow Nanopore Quality
- Kraken2 taxonomic classification of FASTQ reads
- Flye (de-novo assembly)
- Medaka (assembly polishing)
- metaQUAST (assembly quality reports)
When Illumina reads are provided:
- Workflow ...
Type: Common Workflow Language
Creators: Bart Nijsse, Jasper Koehorst, Germán Royval
Submitter: Jasper Koehorst
1. About TF-Prioritizer
This pipeline gives you a full analysis of nfcore chromatine accessibility peak data (ChIP-Seq, ATAC-Seq or DNAse-Seq) and nfcore RNA-seq count data. It performs DESeq2, TEPIC and DYNAMITE including all preprocessing and postprocessing steps necessary to transform the data. It also gives you plots for deep analysis of the data. The general workflow is sketched in the images below:
Graphical abstract:
Snakemake workflow: Reconstructing raw tomography data
A Snakemake worfklow for tomographically reconstructing raw data using tomopy.
First download this repo and navigate to it
git clone
cd /path/to/repo
(Optional) Download the example folder with:
wget -m -np
Type: Nextflow
Creators: Pablo Riesgo Ferreiro, Thomas Bukur, Patrick Sorn
Submitter: Pablo Riesgo Ferreiro
BCCM GEN-ERA tools repository
Please visit the wiki for tutorials and access to the tools:
Mantis is now installed in a singularity container for the Metabolic workflow (install is no longer necessary).
Information about the GEN-ERA project
Please visit
- ToRQuEMaDA: tool for retrieving queried Eubacteria, metadata and dereplicating ...
The Regulatory Mendelian Mutation (ReMM) score was created for relevance prediction of non-coding variations (SNVs and small InDels) in the human genome (GRCh37) in terms of Mendelian diseases. This project updates the ReMM score for the genome build GRCh38 and combines GRCh37 and GRCh38 into one workflow.
We use Conda as software and dependency management tool. Conda installation guidelines can be found here: ...