What is a Workflow?Filters
CWL based workflow to assemble haploid/diploid eukaryote genomes of non-model organisms
The workflow is designed to use both PacBio long-reads and Illumina short-reads. The workflow first extracts, corrects, trims and decontaminates the long reads. Decontaminated trimmed reads are then used to assemble the genome and raw reads are used to polish it. Next, Illumina reads are cleaned and used to further polish the resultant assembly. Finally, the polished assembly is masked using inferred repeats ...
BridgeDb tutorial: Gene HGNC name to Ensembl identifier
This tutorial explains how to use the BridgeDb identifier mapping service to translate HGNC names to Ensembl identifiers. This step is part of the OpenRiskNet use case to link Adverse Outcome Pathways to WikiPathways.
First we need to load the Python library to allow calls to the BridgeDb REST webservice:
import requests
Let's assume we're interested ...
Performs Long Read assembly using PacBio data and Hifiasm. Part of VGP assembly pipeline. This workflow generate a phased assembly.
Performs scaffolding using HiC Data. Part of VGP assembly pipeline. The scaffolding can be performed on long read assembly contigs or on scaffolds (e.g.: Bionano scaffolds).
Performs scaffolding using Bionano Data. Part of VGP assembly pipeline.
Purge Phased assembly of duplications and overlaps. Include purge steps for Primary and Alternate assemblies.
Performs Long Read assembly using PacBio data and Hifiasm. Part of VGP assembly pipeline. This workflow generate a phased assembly.
Create Meryl Database used for the estimation of assembly parameters and quality control with Merqury. Part of the VGP pipeline.
Portable eQTL analysis and statistical fine mapping workflow used by the eQTL Catalogue
eQTL-Catalogue/qtlmap is a bioinformatics analysis pipeline used for QTL Analysis.
The workflow takes phenotype count matrix (normalized and quality controlled) and genotype data as input, and finds associations between them with the help of sample metadata and phenotype metadata files (See Input formats and preparation for required input ...